Meet Corey D. Braddock

Corey Denelle Braddock was born and raised in Chicago and has lived on Chicago’s west side most of his life.

He is one of 8 siblings. His mother was thirteen when he was born in 1971. His father joined the Army soon after and they were out of touch for two decades.

Corey holds two master’s degrees from St. Xavier University in Chicago: a Master of Science in Finance and a Master of Business Administration. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology from Wabash College in Indiana.

He served as an Indiana State trooper for 2 years and as an investigator and police officer for the Chicago Police Department for 10 years.

Besides being a community activist, Corey serves as a substitute teacher for Chicago Public Schools, an independent business consultant and an investigator for a small law firm.

He currently serves on his Local School Council.

It’s not commonly know that he is a Latin dance instructor. Ask him about his salsa and merengue moves sometime.